Chameleon User Guide

Special MIDI objects

Some objects cannot use the all MIDI range of 0 to 127.
These objects are the Halo Pad, and 3­State DJ Plate.

Halo Pad
The Halo Pad uses two consecutive MIDI  values. The first value is used for the “X” axis, and the second number is used for the “Y” axis.

1. If you assign a MIDI number 0 to the Halo Pad, it automatically
uses numbers 0 and 1 for X and Y
2. If you assign a MIDI number 126 to the Halo Pad, it automatically uses numbers 126 and 127 for X and Y.

If you assign a MIDI  number  127 to the Halo Pad, it will automatically try using number 127 and 128. Since the range of MIDI is 0 to 127,
the MIDI value would be outside the valid range, and the pad will not send any MIDI signals.

State DJ Plate
The 3 State DJ Plate is a special encoder which sends three MIDI events, and similar to the Halo Pad it uses consecutive MIDI values.

Event 1: when you touch the platter, MIDI “ON” value is sent (value 127).
Event 2: when you turn the platter, MIDI event 0 to 127 or 7fh/01h encoder signal is sent.
Event 3: when platter stops turning, MIDI “OFF” value is sent (value 0).

1. If you assign a MIDI  value (number) of 1,  the 3 State DJ Plate automatically use MIDI values 1 and 2.
2. If you assign a MIDI  value (number)  99, the 3 State DJ Plate, automatically use MIDI values 99 and 100.

If you assign a MIDI  number  127 to the 3 State DJ plate, it will automatically try using number 127 and 128. Since the range of MIDI is 0 to 127,
the MIDI value would be outside the valid range, and the plate will not send any MIDI signals.



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