I would like to request that the wheel invert "Inv" option be separated from the "Mouse XtraButtons" field. I have found that I lose functionality of my mouse middle click when I have the mouse XtraButtons enabled. I prefer the scrolling direction of the Surface Dial to be inverted.
Even if I uncheck all the mouse middle button options, I still don't get my standard mouse middle click behavior. I use the middle button all the time in my DAW. I actually use all the mouse X buttons, so I wouldn't want them to be mapped to elephant.
Invert when xtra buttons option is selected and and al xtra buttons disabled work for you?
Please confirm.
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Yes, it inverts the scroll direction, but I lose mouse middle button functionality in my DAW even with all three of the extra buttons disabled (unchecked).
Ok Douglas, this should be a simple easy fix, just few days and I back to confirm.
About: https://savethehuman5.com/about/
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Awesome! Looking forward to having the reverse scroll direction as a global option.
Hi Douglas.
I start to work in this feature end of this week, ASAP have some info I back to you.
About: https://savethehuman5.com/about/
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Checking in with this. I downloaded the latest version and it doesn't yet seem that I can reverse the scroll direction globally yet. It still seems to be tied to the Mouse Xtra buttons menu.
Oh! I think I found it. Just need to enable mouse Xtra buttons, then unckeck all mouse XtraButtons selections and check the Inv option under the scroll section. That wasn't super clear by the menu. A global option would make it more clear IMHO. Super excited to have the scroll direction reversed on my surface dial scroll feature. I'll likely use this little dial a whole lot more now, even in general computer use.
Oh weird. Board must have migrated as I was the OP in this thread, but now show up as Anonymous in the thread.