'Module' import and...
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'Module' import and collective resize? (Also, how to groups?)

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Hi Smile Firstly, how does one utilize groups? Can you give a working example with instruction? I was unable to achieve anything with groups so far. 


Now, a suggestion:
Could we please get a way to save a collection of elements as a 'module' that can be imported? Currently we can open multiple projects to copy paste across, but it's a bit awkward. It is also not so easy if the 'module' is a complex shape that isn't easy to drag highlight (or fit into a Container without wasted space). 

It would be nice if such a selection of elements could be resized as a group, too, just like zooming in/out, rather than them all shrinking and forming gaps between or growing larger and overlapping whilst keeping their same position. 

This way, one could have a collection of 'modules' that they frequently use, able to import and to make what is needed at that time, moving them around as groups and resizing them to fit as needed


This topic was modified 5 years ago by Anonymous

Pablo Martin
Noble Member Admin
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Just group a collection of buttons as a radio group buttons.
There is a tooltip available on the software, you can use usually for take a look what things do.
Anyway feel free to ask at any time.


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Thanks - I'm not sure if I'm missing something, I just can't seem to achieve anything noticeable by typing a group name. Can you give an example of how, and its application?

Pablo Martin
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Create 3 or  more labelled buttons. Then asign same name group to they.  Now touch the buttons. You can see buttons act as a radio buttons.

RADIO BUTTON BEHAVIOUR:  touch a non-selected radio button will deselect whatever other button was previously selected/activated in the group.

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Ah, I hadn't tried with more than two - still, I seem unable to get any result. Please could you upload an example file for me to study? Sorry for the trouble

Pablo Martin
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Hi Tom, create 3 Labelled buttons or more,  then assign sting group property same for all, example, can be text Group1.

radio buttons

Now press/touch any of the buttons and you can see how work as a radio button.

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Please enable button grouping & any other button features to also work on images.



We can use button features & midi triggering to animate templates which resemble video games.   


Pablo Martin
Noble Member Admin
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I appreciate a lot keep in a single thread the focus of your request, if request all what you want or need on a single thread, that can result in a  difficult tracking thread to other users and also for me, you know just a little of order Smile

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Hi, was the idea of saving a group of objects as a module ever considered?

I've got a template for Traktor in one project, and am trying to copy/paste/import it into a different project, but I can't see how to do that? 

Being able to save a group of objects as one thing to use across multiple projects would like that really simple, and allow you to save a 'master' module in one project.

