Ok, dear users, after release 1.0.6 to correct some little bugs, is time to move to a major update of Chameleon.
The process will be a little messy duet this upcoming version include large list of changes on the editor.
I start show here the progress in the next days!
Stay tuned!
About: https://savethehuman5.com/about/
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Great ! 😉
Thanks and have a good work !
Upcoming version first change.
End of colors limits ?
About: https://savethehuman5.com/about/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SaveTheHuman5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheHuman5
Ok, here the first video to start show a little portion about what is coming.
Yes another ckicky video with no voice lol.
With a very little modification now the editor own enough space for lots of new features will be ready soon, The editor is more clear and easy to understand and finally end with the issue of limited colors. Some improvements improve the usability in the template creation stage.
The config is empty but soon start to host some features to setup some global parameters of the software.
About: https://savethehuman5.com/about/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SaveTheHuman5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheHuman5
Looks very good ? ? ? ....
one problem with small buttons in the actuall version:
it is not able to move a button or a group in case of it....
then the mouse cursor jumps everytime to the stretch symbol uf the button....
here it would be nice if you could add a shortcut-Key (Keyboard) that can automaticaly lock the stretch and make only move available for time of pressing .......
Cool ..
Posted by: Juergen.....one problem with small buttons in the actuall version:
it is not able to move a button or a group in case of it....
then the mouse cursor jumps everytime to the stretch symbol uf the button....
.....solved ....works fine with arrow keys
Posted by: SaveTheHuman5Upcoming version first change.
End of colors limits ?
? ? ? ? ? !!!
It's really cool !!!
may i have a big suggestion (big , because i know it can't certainly be done easily)
would it be possible to have the option to send keyboard key (and perhaps keyboard combination like ctrl+c , ctrl+v) for momentary buttons ?
i know it is not the main purpose of the app but i think it could really add something interesting .
we could then combine midi signal and keyboard shortcut in a powerful template for all type of application. not only music.
thanks for already done cool work ! have a good day !
I dont think happen on this upcoming version, not is ultra hard, but not is ultra easy, anyway this feature see the light in some moment and you can send keytrokes, or at least is the idea.
The issue with keystrokes is the app receive the keys commands need be on focus, and there is a lot of things to check and test before implement that.
Just have patience, a lot of features see the light across the next months.
About: https://savethehuman5.com/about/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SaveTheHuman5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheHuman5
would it be possible to have the option to send keyboard key (and perhaps keyboard combination like ctrl+c , ctrl+v) for momentary buttons ?
i know it is not the main purpose of the app but i think it could really add something interesting .
we could then combine midi signal and keyboard shortcut in a powerful template for all type of application. not only music.
I am working at the moment on a solution for my programs with BOME midi translater but the problem is to focus the right program when sending a keystroke ....dont't know if it will work
Posted by: Juergen
I am working at the moment on a solution for my programs with BOME midi translater but the problem is to focus the right program when sending a keystroke ....dont't know if it will work
i own Stream Deck from Delgato and i also use Touchkey software or even the windows 10 native touchscreen keyboard.
whatever the tool ,you always have to aim by yoursel the good app. but that's not a bigdeal in fact.
bome software seems to be great . in conjonction with Chameleon it should be really cool if it works !
i will have a try to !
Thanks !
He is right keystrokes are always focus oriented,and the best about midi is that you can use it without focus.you can use bome for this or if you have an iPad you can use metagrid...metagrid is from pep that invented the original jazzMlemur.you can use it with focus or lock the command's to a background app,you have keystrokes,text,makros,midi cc, note's and time depending makros .i use this app mainly for keystrokes and makros and chameleon for midi(befor I used midi designer for midi) they work well together.... best option for me right now...!