Chameleon + MIDI in...
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[Solved] Chameleon + MIDI in?

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Hi, I'm trying to create a way to trigger scenes/loops (in Bitwig) using buttons, and want a button in Chameleon to turn off when I stop a scene playing. I expect I'd need to use MIDI in for that, but can't get it to work.

To explain, I have a couple of buttons assigned to start (and one to stop) certain scenes playing in Bitwig. This works ok. The problem is, if I start scene 1, the button in Chameleon will be highlighted. I then press the Stop button, but the scene button remains highlighted in Chameleon.

In the below example I started the bass scene 1, and the horns scene 2. I then pressed STOP for both the bass and horns, but the buttons I'm using to trigger the scenes remain active.


What might be the solution here? These are the button MIDI properties:



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There are several ways to do this ..The easiest way is to experiment with the group function.

Some of the button functions in Chameleon are spread over many panels. The group feature is in the properties panel. Simply assign a group number to the buttons like  ive highlighted on your screenshot.



Traditional physical switches on appliances etc have a function named radio buttons.. A radio button is a bank of buttons but only one button in that bank or grid can be active. Switching a button in that bank or grid turns off the most recently pressed button which has been assigned to share the same number.

This is an example using 9 buttons & 3 groups named Group 1.. Group 2.. Group 3


Before switching


                                                  Left strip         Center strip         Right strip

Button Group number.                      1                        2                     3     

Button Group number.                      1                         2                       3

Button Group number.                     1                        2                       3



After switching.


                                                  Left strip         Center strip         Right strip

Button Group number.                     1                        2                       3

Button Group number.                      1                         2                       3

Button Group number.                      1                        2                    3


The settings of the stop button on your template may need to changed to push if you don't want it to remain illuminated & latched after its been pressed..Click the push setting in the properties window to alter its behaviour.


This post was modified 4 years ago 5 times by tific

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@tific Thank you!! That works perfectly, exactly what I needed. Funnily enough I'd seen the Group setting but hadn't thought to play with it.

Thanks for the fast reply as well Smile

Pablo Martin
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tific always helping to the community!!
Thanks so much!!! 


Karl Muller reacted
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Hello everyone.. Karl ..Ive just seen your dub video & feature request for button reset. I'm working on some templates & streamlined workflows for a dub producer. All the delay effects will be triggered & automated by a midi note rather than faders. I'm on Cubase which has outdated midi mapping & restricted audio routing but the community may find some uses.

I may make a video & separate topic but Cubase has a bug where the plugin will lose focus if you have multiple monitors.

You can use a midi note input on a noise gate instead of using a slider on a Chameleon template to activate effects etc. The gate will act like an automated fader when it's calibrated which may offer more advantages. Pressplay has a free Vst named EnveLover which activates on any midi note. It also has an invert function. Unfiltered Audio G8  is another useful gate which  has a trial version. It can be inverted  & assigned to activate when it receives a specific midi note.

We have to try & use a patch or program change when changing Vst presets which may be awkward especially for live sessions. It's easier to install multiple plugins with different settings. A lot of DAWS also don't have parallel audio paths for multiple delays or Fx.. Kushview Element is a free Vst (standalone or plugin ) which also hosts Vst's. The image indicates how you can split & sum & stereo signal into multiple paths & also midi map everything.

Eg  The EnveLover gates are acting as automated faders to the delay plugin. The gates are triggered by four buttons which are radio grouped & controlled by Chameleon.

Xfer Records has a free dj style sweeping filter named DJM Filter..



This post was modified 4 years ago 4 times by tific

Karl Muller reacted
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Thanks for the post, that's an interesting idea. I use Bitwig, which is similar to Ableton, which allows you to use scenes (like empty loops) which contain automation, so I could in effect replicate what you're doing with automation by triggering said scene. 

It's not something I do often with effect automation, but I automate tempo information that way when performing live by having tempo changes in certain scenes.
