2 Buttons linked (here with Controller 40)
Buttons defined as Push and Blink Buttons
Button 1 = Value 1
Button 2= Value 2 (and so on...up to 127)
For MIDI in exactly the same values!
Next is the cantabile Rack (here only 2 states)
Line 1 is calling the state when a button is pushed
Line 2 is sending a number (to Rack out) when a state is selected (in this pic >> Controller40, Value 2)
Next is a filter that modulates the controller 40 >> all values will set to 0 = all Buttons off nothing is blinking
this controller is leaving at first then a copy of the original incoming value is following and setting the new Button to on.
Thats all.
Little bit playing at home with my controller to check out what I have to improve.....
Chameleon was the last fragment of my puzzle... The other parts: Lightjams, Cantabile Performer, ELM, Bome Translater