How to switch Butto...
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[Solved] How to switch Buttons active/inactive

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I asked for a feature of a radio button but at the moment I think this is not to realize with chameleon...


so my question: is there at the moment a way to have a group off buttons and I can remote that only one is active?

....means only one of a group can blink 

Pablo Martin
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Hi Jurgen
Really sorry but not understand exactly what you need do.
Please can try explain in more detailed way?


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Example:  For my Lightshow  'Maincolors' I have got a cantabile Rack with some colours (white,red,green,blue,yellow........)

The Cantabile-Rack is an objekt like a listfield and the Items of this field I want connect with buttons in chameleon

so for each colour i have a button an it should work in two ways.     Cantabile >Chameleon  and  Chameleon>Cantabile

(so far it works) each list Item I call with a controllervalue :    ch:9,   ctrl.1 ,  value: 0-127     


Best solution for this problem would be a 'radio button' ......container with buttons but only one button can be active at a time


Same system for 'Snapshots' ....lightdevices/Scenes    and many more


anny Idea  ???

Pablo Martin
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If every option on the list report MIDI out, then you can map that MIDI out to every button in Chamelon.
That is the proper way to go, otherwise you need a kind or sort of control customizable per software and I said per software or add some scriptable logic to buttons.
Is the software to be controlled support  MIDI OUT for object you try control?

If that list of items support MIDI out, then when are turned off by any other button, you achieve what you need:

jurgen example 1

Question is, that list of items in the software you try control, support MIDI out?


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Problem ist that 'normaly' in Chameleon the button is OFF when controller value is: 0 and on at: 127    (example)

for slider and knobs this way is understandable for me....

but why to waste values for buttons?  With one Controller you can switch 128 Buttons off a 'radiobuttonfield' on and off this way it would be possible for users (without programming) to connect a complete Bank with a container full off Buttons.

Same way MIDI instruments are organized (000.000.000 / MSB.LSB.PC) you always have banks of 128 Items and only sending PC is change the Programm, Sound,Mixertemplate......

If you gave such a field to the program, it would be much easier to link a listfield.

Why that?....

  • in my case I controll my complete setup from Cantabile Performer
  • many Racks are organized in Songs
  • so if I switch to a new song some Racks are switching and I want to link some of this to my buttons
  • Example of some Racks (for auto Lightshow)
Slidertest 2
  • Example Rack Items/here some colours and the connection in cantabile
Example Rack
This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by Juergen

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Example for some buttons I want to connect with that Rack....and the aktivated Colour should blink

Chameleon (2)

( this case a radio field would be perfect)

Cheers Jürgen

Pablo Martin
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Please understand I not are user of Cantabile, so I have a poor idea of exactly how software work and what are the MIDI capabilities.
I no want mix shoes with oranges, but I create a little video showing is possible create  radio buttons if  objects to be controlled support MIDI OUT.

Before think on a new feature, will be great to check if exist some way to do it, exactly how is Chameleon now and how is  Cantabile now.
The first thing to know is:   Cantabile send MIDI OUT reporting the status of what you are trying to change/access?
Yes or no?

If yes, and I suppose yes I think is possible create radio buttons based on MIDI out report status of every thing on a list you want manage with MIDI.
Will be great if you can create a short video,  can be created with your phone, can use demo version of Camtasia, or the free software OBS.
If your phone can capture clear image is more than ok.
That be absolutely more faster and help to me to try understand, and better if you can create a simple cantabile template you use for the video and sent to me so I can play with that, that be better.


Pablo Martin
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I stay here thinking on my last reply, and think probably you ask, how I do that I show in the video.
What I do is use push buttons, instead toggle buttons.
A push button, is turned off every time you release your finger,  but if push button receive MIDI then remain ON.
The first rule to do what I doing on the video, is what you try control act as a RADIO button in terms of MIDI OUT, in the case of Traktor, that little MIDI mappable list act as a radio, only one object can be selected at once.  
When you push the button, the button send MIDI,  and traktor reply to that buttons with MIDI OUT  value 127, if select other item, then sent value 0.
The bellow images show how is mapped one of that radio buttons:


If exist some a way to map cantabile in this way, then you have your radio buttons working.


Juergen reacted
Pablo Martin
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Finally, if this not is possible,...........what fore sure after check a little  more deep Cantabile this morning.........  I think what I show on video is not  possible in the case of this software, I think the solution should be BUTTONS GROUPS.

This new feature would would allow to setup buttons inside a GROUP NAME, in this way, you can enable RADIO BEHAVIOUR, for all that buttons of the same group, this would allow to create unlimited number of radio buttons and unlimited sets of radio buttons groups.

Before add a feature like this, I  need redesign the EDITOR in a very smart way, in order add more colors, radio buttons trough GROUP NAME.
If not is possible create radio buttons using the MIDI status feedback, this feature will be the way to go.
What do you think?


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Sounds good! ... I think there are many ways to connect functions from one software to another. 

With cantabile there are also ways to filter and modulate values, sysex etc. in many ways... I am shure there is a way to solve this Problem.


The reason I switched to Chameleon is the easy to connect interface

.....other software like 'Ctrlr' allows to built vst-controller and give more flexibility

but in a very complicated that's not my way to write C++ Code.


Chameleon gives me an easy to bind interface and a very functional and nice design.

So it gives me what I need to built my personalized Controller.


Another way to use this tool could be to work with devices like my  'Voicelive Rack' for this Rack there is no editor and no VST available so it would be nice to have all important Values directly on one Page. 

here the presets are organized with MSB.LSB.PC like in most other Midi-Instruments...... thougt is more likely to go this way over a Radio-Button-Container but not to call the items with controller messages

calling the buttons with Programchange can also easy mapped to controllervalues but gives more ways to use 

(a Listfield would be oversized and not realy used because in most cases this could realized with holes and Mother-Programms)

  • But a container to put in the Buttons with  favorite Presets is a perfect way !
  • If anybody needs all presets problem with containers in containers
  • all synts and entertainer keys work this way with touch screens 
  • Here at Yamaha Montage Synth (LIVE Presets) ......Radio Container with MSB.LSB.PC nothing else
  • Montage LIVE



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also .....Korg Pa4x.....GENOS (yamaha)

this system makes sense.....

Genos Disp

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....D Pro light software is handling this with grouping buttons ....also very helpfull and easy

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Posted by: SaveTheHuman5

I stay here thinking on my last reply, and think probably you ask, how I do that I show in the video.
What I do is use push buttons, instead toggle buttons.
A push button, is turned off every time you release your finger,  but if push button receive MIDI then remain ON.
The first rule to do what I doing on the video, is what you try control act as a RADIO button in terms of MIDI OUT, in the case of Traktor, that little MIDI mappable list act as a radio, only one object can be selected at once.  
When you push the button, the button send MIDI,  and traktor reply to that buttons with MIDI OUT  value 127, if select other item, then sent value 0.
The bellow images show how is mapped one of that radio buttons:



this is to handle with cantabile but a hard way and not flexible because the 'normal' way in cantabile is to link a controller for 128 Items so that each value represents a Preset.......make sense because if I call a preset I always want to switch it I see the similarity to Programmchange (Nr. 1-128) 

....but chameleon is waiting for different controllers for each button and switch means 0/127      

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Topic starter the moment I found a good solution over my Lightjams Software

so now my button on/off controll is linked to the lightsoftware and not to cantabile

(Push)Chameleon Button >> Cantabile Rack >> Lightjams(Scene Switch)

(Push)Cantabile Rack >> Lightjams(Scene Switch) >> Chameleon

works!!    Smile

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.....for me it was not clear that there is an In and Out Midi with different options...

so now after rethinking I solved the problem also easy with cantabile (.....puhhhhh)


Buttons Test1
Midi out
Midi in now all values of a controller (here Ctr.2) will be mapped to another Button / and Back ?

(values are different because I have different settings in MidiCount 0/127 ...1/128)

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