I'd like to be able to set the position of the collapsed and expanded containers separately, is this possible?
e.g. have the collapsed container in the lower left of the screen, but when expanded, it sits in the upper right?
This would allow me to align collapsed containers nicely out of the way, then have them expand to the position I'd like them:
(in the example below the containers are named differently, it's just for demonstration, the position is what I'd like to do).
At this moment not is possible to setup custom position of unfolded container.
I take a look if exist some easy way to add that as feature, but dont think so.
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Hi, thanks again for the fast response. Do you have any suggestions for the below situation, where I have 3 (or more) containers next to each other collapsed, but when I expand them, some are shown on top of others?
I've tried playing with the Z order, but there is always some on top, and some below:
I think you need make usage of pages and floating objects instead try to sort the problem with higher amount of containers at least until I can add place container expanded at custom position, a feature what I cant confirm now.
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Ok, thanks, I'll look into that.
I had problems with the movable containers - I can move them once, then not again. Happens with the mouse, I have not been able to move them with the touch screen.
But that wouldn't solve my problem anyway.
Posted by: @subsetI'd like to be able to set the position of the collapsed and expanded containers separately, is this possible?
e.g. have the collapsed container in the lower left of the screen, but when expanded, it sits in the upper right?
This would allow me to align collapsed containers nicely out of the way, then have them expand to the position I'd like them:
(in the example below the containers are named differently, it's just for demonstration, the position is what I'd like to do).
Would love that to !
Me too jajaja I check that soon.
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