not being able to make the keyboard work in the traktor search window, I tried the solution you propose here: https://savethehuman5.com/forum/chameleon-troubleshooting-tips-and-tricks/traktor-and-keyboard/#post-1781
but nothing works.
i launched your 4-track window and it actually works. my midi settings being the same I don't understand what could be wrong.
Do you have another solution to propose?
if not, do you still have version 1.5.6 or earlier of chameleon that I could download and install to try and test a possible incompatibility.
In the meantime, I'm juggling with the touchpad of windows 11.
nb: I'm on windows 11 and I tested on the pro versions of traktor 3 and 4.
I tested the keyboard and continued working without any problems.
Can you please inform me about your operating system?
Windows 11?
Windows 10?
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windows 11.
my notebook run with only traktor & chameleon. dedicaded only for djing