I have spent some time playing with Elephant and it is generally great !
I am not sure that I have not missed it, but I have searched for a way to send a MIDI message when I click the dial.
Is this already possible or could you add it in the future ?
Thanks !
Click the dial is reserved to operation, there is no way to enable send MIDI right now when click.
Probably I can take a look on that.
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Please explain the general purpose of make click with the dial, and send MIDI, with some practical example. (a real situation)
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My purpose is to use the dial during diffusions (generally in the dark) : all I need is a volume control (perfect...) and a play/pause command.
Currently I use Numark's Orbit which has of course all the buttons I want, but the wheel sends only half the values (1, 3, 5 etc.), I suppose to preserve bandwidth ?
So the dial + Elephant would be perfect for this task since I can have a very smooth value control, if only I could use the click.
Thanks in advance !
Note that it could also send a keyboard key (space), but I suppose that it would be a lot safer to send a MIDI message that would not interfere with other commands.
And what software you are controlling? DAW?
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Reaper or Bidule generally.