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[Solved] Scrub Mode

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It would be great if you could add a scrub mode.

Essentially a left/right direction  control with speed, turn it slightly right and it moves slowly right, as you turn it more right it moves faster...(scrub!) - this would be ideal for the time line control and would make it hugely useful for DAW work/production.

Pablo Martin
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Elephnat already support left right move.

Just click on that and you are now moving things left right.
Click again and you back to normal mode.
This is what you are looking?

I have on mind add a shortcut keys in order users can switch the mode without have to click the dial, then click that, and then click again the dial.
What you think?

NOTE: doc update to reflect  this case in more simpler way.


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Yes, the scrub works great but I was thinking more of a 'jog wheel' mode- move the dial to 1 o clock (fast forward) and it scrolls forwards slowly (and continuously), move it to 2 o clock and it goes a bit faster, by 5 o clock full speed. Move back to 12 o clock to stop , move to 11 o clock (rewind) and it moves slowly backwards….


Pablo Martin
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I understand now.
Well there is a lot of improvements and another projects, for be honest this feature will be on some research in the near future. I not said NO, but no said YES.


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Cool, I think its great now- anything else is a bonus....

You may consider that all video editing software uses a scrub wheel function, perhaps you can have a whole new market selling your software to the video editing crowd!

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Thumbs up! A scrub combined with ffwd and rewind would be essential with a play/stop surface dial click.

I am a Cubase 9.5 user.

Keep up the good work, I just love what you did with elephant. I wish people at Microsoft of Steinberg could think like you!

Pablo Martin
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Let me see what can do with scrub mode, but patience not is in High priority.
I working hard on the last days on version 1.6  and I think everybody love what can do the new version.
Elephant is created as a Helper of the mouse,  and yes can send MIDI, what can be useful with combination with touch screen, but let me said, MIDI not is the most important I had on focus form the first day...........mouse  and desktop/studio production is where I have always the Focus and of course same environment but dominated by a laptop, where the mouse pad at least in my opinion is a horrible experience for use with a DAW.

With  new version 1.6, this time I make the mouse back to help to the Dial making now a really juicy combination of Mouse + Surface Dial.
Used with multi-buttons gaming mouse result in a more useful workflow, for sure my Mouse is Cougar 700M and now Elephant can make usage of all that extra buttons.


And take a look on this guys!!............I  need test this model!


12 buttons where 2 are mouse Xtra buttons and the another 10 are hotkey buttons you can customize.
I think this is the way to go, instead pretend have all controls in the Dial what result in a memory game behaviour.
I think is better leave Elephant as simple can be, but useful instead pretend have 200 controls in the same control, specially due the nature of the Dial, what is rotate and click. I no want convert Elphant in a Simon game.

Finally there is a another option what can be useful and better than gaming mouse, and that option is the extender:

The negative sides of a project like this are:
1- Need use a USB port, what can or not be a major issue for some users.
2-You have to construct the extender, what is extremely easy or cheap and really no need any knowledge duet how I plan the project.
3-Mount the buttons in some case, directly on desktop etc.

Put positive sided I think turn the balance to make this project useful.............or not, you the users decide.

The reality anyway is right now I not see anyone interested, not a single reply on that post, so for now I put that on pause.

For some users Elephant is ok how is right and everybody be more happy with new version 1.6
For other users will be great add to Elephant 1.6 a gaming mouse.
For other users probably they can see better the extender.

What you think guys?

NOTE: don't run to buy any gaming mouse , after release of the version 1.6 i make a special post about points to have under consideration before choose a gaming mouse.


Pablo Martin
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Well........I think with version 1.6 new features and with some extra work I can add scrub  trough Mackie Control protocol.
I use on my studio 4 Qcon Pro units, I think all what I need is sniff what the scrub dial sent, and implement that in Elephant.
One of the new  behaviours in Elephant version 1.6 allow to switch to scrub mode in easy way, so that part is already solved.

My Qcons

No guarantees..............oh! ......and yes, before anyone ask,  yes, I do always the MIX  100% in mono on the Avantone, but that is another history.

This will be another large weekend coding.......No guarantees but I try add scrub............what for sure work on any DAW or video software compatible with Mackie Control protocol.


Pablo Martin
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Scrubbing implemented now on upcoming version 1.6
Should work on any software support Mackie Protocol , video software or DAW  
Already tested on Adobe Premiere, Reaper, Ableton,  on Bitwig not work, but is just about need proper Mackie Protocol Script, I fix that after release the software.

I contact next week to the guys of Steinberg for see if they can provide a NFR license in order i count also with Cubase for do all test I need do in the near future.

Need polish some details, so the release version see the light on Xmas day!
Santa come in person to the site to release Elephant 1.6  ? , no kidding!


