I just got the Dial and Elephant just to use with my DAW, and on Direct mode On the mouse cursor disappears sometimes. Is that supposed to happen? I'm using Reaper 64 bit, on a 64 bit computer: Intel Hades Canyon, 32 gb RAM. When I select Direct On, I hover over a knob or slider, turn the Dial and it works! But then the mouse cursor disappears and there's almost no way to get it back other than closing my DAW (Reaper) and then opening the Elephant radial menu and turning the Direct Off.
Thank you!
Ok the only one software is not compatible with Elephant is VCV rack if mouse on place feature is enabled. VCV count with mode where you can setup allow cursor lock to false, based on what I see reaper not count with that feature.
The only one current solution now, is disable direct mode.
I try to find a workaround on this, duet I think I now what cause this, but the solution is really non practical.
I put this on high priority for have a final answer about this issue.
NOTE: letme try to see if can fix this issue, thinking now and testing now.
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OK ? , I have the fix for this issue and fix Reaper and VCV, just need few extra hours for more test and ensure all work ok and then provide final confirmation.
This fix also solve the problem on direct mode, when move mouse at same time operate the dial, that action cause the knob or slider you are controlling is moved to undesired position.
Stay tuned .
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Thank you for such prompt response. Yeah, I also noticed that, the mouse cursor would "lock" to the slider, knob, or anything else, so when I moved the mouse after using Direct Mode the slider, knob, etc would also move. So yeah, thank you for responding so quickly and for looking for a solution!
The problem with Reaper is fixed, this also fix the problem with VCV Rack, what basically is the same problem.
This also lock the action from the dial to what you are controlling and no matter user move the mouse, that action not create interference with action from the dial.
There one limitation/restriction, when you perform action from the dial, you can't do any other thing than control the object, also the keyboard is blocked. The only way to release the dial action is with a dial click, what unlock the mouse and keyboard and all back to normal.
I add this feature as a option you can easy activate in the Elephant Menu. Is enabled as default, and users can disable.
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Final step now, adding a shortcut key. ESC.
When press Escape key, the action from the dial will be released, in that way if you move your hand away of the dial and the control not is released ....and your hands are on keybpard....you can release the event.
If you use the dial close to the keyboard, can also easy access to ESC to un-release the action if prefer that, instead use the dial.
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All is ready and working like a charm.....but is time to sleep!
Stay tuned, some moment of this Friday I release this update.
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Version 1.5 launched!
Please read all the documentation again.
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Ok!!!! It works!!! I'd wish the cursor didn't disappear, still, but using the Esc key, or clicking on the Dial works fine to get it back works just fine. On the other hand, I really like the fact that I could move the mouse (while it disappears) anywhere, and still the Dial will control that knob or slider I was hovering on. So yeah, great job!
Now, my only concern, and I believe this won't require any development from you: how can I disable the Esc key for this function? I have the Esc key already doing something in Reaper, I'd like it to do that function instead of having a condition on it. So, all that has to do with Dial is controlled from the Dial. I have zero idea of what this whole text document is doing, and don't want to break anything. Thanks again!
I working now on update the config file and preparing version 1.6 what should be ready in just probably 2 days. I just release now 1.5 duet i know you need this.
From version 1.6 the config file will be located under document folder, in that way is easy to access, will be located under new folder Elephant.
From new config file will be possible.
Disable cursor disappear. (this not prevent cursor disappear on knobs or slider with mouse in place feature available from DAW or VST)
Under direct mode, assign to mouse left click the ability to switch to one of the other modes available.
With v1.6 you can assign to left click VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL KNB & SCROLL, in that way if what you want control is a vertical slider, you can click the left mouse, before turn the wheel, and then turn the dial and the dial control vertical slider when release the mouse, the mouse pointer not back to original position (that happen only in KNB mode and COM mode) or you can assign SCROLL or HORIZONTAL.
This same behaviour will be available on the third mouse button, usually the scroll wheel click and i check if can add extra buttons, for enable actions to mouse count with extra buttons (this extra buttons thing not confirmed yet.
I think with this changes probably I cancel the project extender, now users have a easy way to switch form one mode to other, or to the most common modes they find useful. At same time this make hotkeys not needed, some users suggest hotkeys, but hotkeys just broken the workflow....you know pressing lot of keys to switch form one mode to other not is really comfortable.
What you think?
NOTE: probably some tings I comment here work in different , equal or different way.
Just testing and coding right now.
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First change about what I comment minutes ago.
The temporary switch under direct mode come trough mouse MIDDLE button (if button not do something on the DAW or VST), mouse EXTRA BUTTON 1 and mouse EXTRA BUTTON 2.
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I think I'm following what you say. Yeah, I think everyone will want something different, a different behavior, different key commands, from the Dial too. Especially people like me using Reaper: Reaper lets us assign actions to whatever, so yeah, whatever gives people the ability to program the Dial to their taste will make everyone happy, including yourself.
can see some people would want hotkeys, but yeah, I like the Dial and Elephant because I have it left to my keyboard, I don't like moving my left hand too far away from my asdf keyboard side, so combined hotkeys aren't my thing either. But we'll see. So far, aside from these minor things, I'm loving what it can do for me!
Version 1,6 see the light on Xmas day.
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You are amazing! For real. You are.
And yeah, I definitely need the Esc key freed up for other commands. Sometimes I use the Esc key for what I have it do in Reaper, and the Elephant radial menu pops up. So if you make it so that anybody can use whatever key or key combination they want instead of a predetermined, you will win the entire internets!
Merry Christmas to you, and thank you for this invaluable and inexpensive tool!