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[Solved] Elephant stops Steam rendering. (Black Window)

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Steam window contents turn black whenever Elephant is running, making it totally unusable.

Pablo Martin
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Really sorry no idea about what you talk.
Can provide more info? Video or something more clear?
You are talking about steam games?

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Pablo Martin
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And please also describe your complete setup, included how many monitors, video card, computer CPU, RAM, OS, specs, whole setup, elephant version, etc.
Software you are using, when and how exactly reproduce the problem, URL of software used, etc.
There is no way I can know what happens with a short sentence as **Steam window contents turn black whenever Elephant is running, making it totally unusable** 


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Steam (the biggest digital games distribution platform for pc) does not render its window contents anymore when Elephant is running. (Regardless of having the Elephant UI open or not.) Ending Elephant via task manager restores steam functionality.

Elephant 2.3 
Steam 1626808496
Windows 10 Pro x64 (21H1 / 19043.1110)
Asrock X570 Steel Legend
Toshiba KXG50PNV2T04 2TB NVMe SSD
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
AMD Radeon 6900XT (Driver 21.6.2)
32GB DDR4-3200
Samsung QN90A 3840x2160 @ 120Hz HDR VRR

Screenshot 2021 07 21 093247
Screenshot 2021 07 21 093411

Sorry for not being more descriptive, but I've had a very bad time figuring out why my steam was acting up the way it did, only to find that Elephant was responsible.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Jeroen van Wamelen

Pablo Martin
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Its ok, thanks for the description, now I try to reproduce here.
Back soon with some info, already have on plans to install steam at this days, so is a good moment moment check this.

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I recently had a a similar issue with an audio plug in and it appears it's a problem related to elephant as well. I'm not positive though. 

Izotope Stratus reverb would have issues rendering until I restarted the instances making recall of sessions a big hassle. It appears to only happen when I run elephant. Unfortunately I use that plugin a lot which means I can't use Elephant. I assume there's no fix on the Elephant side of things given how it runs right?

Pablo Martin
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I leave a compiled example + source code, you can contact to plugin developer for report the bug.
Elephant wont do anything not allowed to do tough windows API,  so as with steam, the problem is related to the software you are using, and require fix from the software vendor, not from my side.  For sure there is nothing I can do for fix third party software.

Anyway, similar not is always the same,  I invite to you to pen a new post with all the details you can inform, in order to check if is the same issue or is another problem, maybe is another issue, and can be fixed.

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I wonder if the hover/rotate function overlay can be disabled and I can just use the midi functionality and hotkeys/keystrokes with elephant. That way I can use it without the steam bug (which they don't seem to want to fix). I imagine it's just that hover/rotate functionality requiring the overlay right? Is there a way to turn that off and leave other functionality?

Pablo Martin
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I already have an idea can work, no tested yet.
Is a kind or sort of workaround from my side, very busy with a new software I release soon here Smile a very great new software!............what is? surprise!! Smile Any way I already have scheduled work on this this weekend.

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@savethehuman5 great to hear! Also excited to see what’s next Smile

Pablo Martin
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I edited this post and rewrite all this post again:
I never ever can reproduce due need monitors with different dpi to reproduce the error.
I pickup just few months ago a 4k monitor and now can replicate the problem when setup different zoom on different monitors.
Steam is fixed.


Aaron please check and confirm if your problem is also fixed now.

Check changelog to know bugfixes on this new version.


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@savethehuman5 Verified, steam is now working with elephant 2.4. Thanks Smile

Pablo Martin reacted
Pablo Martin
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Great to know Jeroen!! apologize for the long time this take to be fixed.
This not is a bug of my software, so workaround take me some long time.
Now waiting Aaron confirmation.


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@savethehuman5 Success!! I know the bug was with other software but I appreciate you taking the time to work around their issues with this update Smile I'm back to using elephant again!!

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