Explorer.exe crash/...
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[Solved] Explorer.exe crash/restart

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Hi everyone, I'm a new user of Elephant with the Surface Dial and I'm stoked. So thanks for this great software!

But there is an issue that's a bit annoying: everytime Elephant starts, the Explorer.exe seems to crash (or intentionally close) and restart, which also closes all my open folders. It also occurs when I set Elephant to autorun with Windows. Also I see an information in the Windows Event Viewer, that Explorer.exe has been closed unexpectedly.
Something similar has been mentioned in this forum before, but I haven't found a solution. Is there a way to at least avoid closing all folders?

I'm on the latest Win 10 (pretty clean and functioning well on a i9-7900X CPU, 32GB RAM, ...

Thanks in advance! Smile

Pablo Martin
Noble Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
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HI Phranky, your welcome!
There is not crash with explorer, is just restarted.
If cause some trouble, open Elephant first, before start to work.
Also is highly suggested use the explorer of your DAW.
Anyway this is already replied before:


At this moment not is possible, skip this behaviour.
If something change In the near future I update this posts.

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Okay thanks for your reply. So I'll just deal with it for now.
Any updates are highly appreciated. Thanks mate!

Pablo Martin
Noble Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1014

Fixed 100% upcoming version 2.0 provide a fix for this.

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