Hi, I'm
So for the config :
Laptop : MSI GF63 THIN 9SC
Second monitor (connected with HDMI) : Asus VX229
Nom du système d’exploitation Microsoft Windows 10 Famille
Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363
Processeur Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2601 MHz, 6 cœur(s), 12 processeur(s) logique(s)
Carte graphique 1 : Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
Type de carte Intel(R) UHD Graphics Family, compatible Intel Corporation
Carte graphique 2 : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 with Max-Q Design
Type de carte GeForce GTX 1650 with Max-Q Design, compatible NVIDIA
I'm testing with ableton / reaper / Brainmodular Usine and it's all the same. The control is the ok at first and then start to become glitchy but only on teh second monitor.
Also in the second monitor the mouse reappear really far from the knob or slider.
Thanks for the rapide answer and for the software again
EDIT : After more tests it seems that there is bugs only with the speed slow ++ / slow and normal. Fast and fast ++ are ok.
There is some external thing creating the issue, unfortunately I cant fix what can reproduce here.
Over 1200 users use Elephant at this days, and 2 users report this issue.
I not mean I not try to find what cause this in your setup, but really cant reproduce this here with single, dual, triple, or quad monitor setup.
What are the resolutions of your monitors?
There is a point of interest here, you are using 2 video cards, no any setup here on my studio have the same configuration, i have multiple computers with up to 4 video outs, but no any one use 2 cards.
I will try reproduce something similar, but will be some moment next week. I suspect have some kind of relation.
Anyway I think already test that, but I repeat in order to try reproduce the issue.
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Ok thanks ! The monitor are 1920x1080.
Too bad I'm one of the two users having problem ...
Hi, thanks for the answer
My laptop screen is at 60,030 Hz (weird ...) and I have no other choices. The other one is at 60 Hz and the problem is still there.
I edited this post and rewrite all this post again:
Is amazing is incredible the bad diagnostic I do when thayermc report this for first time.
I never ever can reproduce due need monitors with different dpi to reproduce the error.
I pickup just few months ago a 4k monitor and now can replicate the problem when setup different zoom on different monitors.
Check changelog to know bugfixes on this new version.
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sorry I worked lot last week.
It seems to work perfectly !! Thanks a lot you're a life saver ?