Hello there is a few users with no problems using Elephant and windows 11. For sure, last version of Elephant is compiled under windows 11 and tested under Windows 11. Is your install an update from windows 10 to windows 11, or windows 11 clean install?
This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Pablo Martin
"It's working normally, but it's working weird after two minutes"
Please provide more details if possible. If possible record a video with your phone, explain and upload, if not just write here step by step all the details.
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Your activation cycle enter on reset soon.
About the problem you report, I take a look soon on that soon.
Thank you for your reply The Elephant is by far the most powerful music utility I've ever used I hope this problem will be fixed Have a good day P.S. Please understand that I communicated using a translator because I am not good at English
Activation for you is already unlocked. Please send a detailed step by step to how reproduce the problem, version of your windows, elephant reaper and absolutely any detail.
It's my window specification I kept looking for a solution and found a unique way out. But this seems to be a bad solution for the CPU. When I entered the Windows Task Manager and changed the Elephant's priority setting to "Real Time" on the Details tab, it worked normally.
As default Elephnat run at high priority, Elphant do really low usage of CPU, set Elephant in high priority wont affect in anyway your workflow, and other process. No idea why in your computer maybe is running as default at lower priority, that can explain the problem.
This post was modified 2 years ago by Pablo Martin