Hi there. I've already paid for your software its great.
What I do not want is for chrome to pop up and ask me to buy again. Please make that stop.
You need activate the software with your user and password.
Pleae take a look on the online documentation of the software.
About: https://savethehuman5.com/about/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SaveTheHuman5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheHuman5
@savethehuman5 I see.
Sorry I didn't follow the instructions.
I wasn't sure where this license manager was to be honest. So some searching on this forum showed me that it actually comes in the download? I must have missed that and have since deleted that zip file.
I looked for the license manager on the site here but couldn't find it here either.
What should be my next steps? Sorry.
If you reinstall the software you can found on the dekstop.
If not just go to C:\Program Files (x86)\SaveTheHuman5\
You will see the Lic Manager, then enter your user and password.
Soon Lic manager will be back inside the software.
Please confirm all is ok now.
About: https://savethehuman5.com/about/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SaveTheHuman5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheHuman5