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[Solved] Why is the download link still 1.0.8 if 1.0.9 is in the release section?

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(@Albert Schaler)
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I downloaded the new v1.0.9 trial link version and realized that it's still v1.0.8.

Maybe it's just not uploaded jet, i am just wondering?

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Pablo Martin
Noble Member Admin
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Chameleon Version 1.0.9–  Upcoming version

As you can see not release date yet, continue working on 1.0.9
I always just inform what is coming.

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Pablo Martin
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For sure version 1.09 is now completed.
Will be released early next week, stay tuned!

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(@Albert Schaler)
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Ok, my ignorance, thanks for the info.

I am looking forward to the time, wen chameleon has the same functionality as emulator, or even better.

Keep up the good work, and have a good time made!!!

Pablo Martin
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@Albert Schaler

Already outperform in features, performance and  stability, compared to  the disaster software Emulator 2.0.......... and for sure Chameleon is not dead software.
No idea what features you are waiting, please don't get me wrong, just will be great if you request what you need.

Starting in 2020 users will see updates with major frequency, I suggest start request what you need and of course support the software  is just 9,99    Smile There is two features not are in plans, Skin and macOSX

The reason is very simple, require invest a lot of time coding this feature,  I prefer invest that time in other areas and new upcoming features, OSC is an example.
The second reason is in the time Emulator 2.0 exist we just see one third party template created with skin, yes only one!
Create templates with skins really require design ability from the user,at least for now and some long time, skins not are part of any plans.

Support macOSX: 
Reason 1,  macOSX not support touchscreen in native way so any try to make work result in a ugly kind of sort of patch/hack I no want support.
Reason 2 and the most important, I leave macOSX long time ago, I extremely tired every OSX major update broken all,  that not is really acceptable and as a coder is a lot of time wasted. 
Reason 3, Windows 10 is just better and I'm a PC guy........... just seduced across few years for the dark side of the mac........ just kidding..........or not Smile



Ignore the bad joke , any new feature you have on mind is welcome, just start request instead of wait.
Thanks for you visit to the site to check how is going all Smile

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(@Albert Schaler)
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I already purchased your pack, I think it was last year, just look in to your user data base under Runnin@Live.

I know, I know, u think :why don't he just login with his account, and you right with that, I was just lazy at that moment and used the name of my grandfather(he already passed away 10 years ago, so don't bother)!

Now to your software:

I am very, very happy that you and your software exists, that alone is a big step in the windows world (I am not a mac user, but I use ipad's extensively in my profession)!!!

The issue that I have now is, that I use up to 8 ipad's at the same time (you see, I am a touchscreen freak ? ),the apps i use are:

mididesigner(for midi,sysx),

tb midi stuff(for midi and sysx),

lemur(for osc and hid),

and for me the biggest step in remote apps metagrid(focus dependent remote, macros, time dependent macros and more).

The time with my  ipad's on windows is almost over, the reason is that apple is killing itunes on windows, and most of my remote apps and helper tools(studiomux and midimux)are relying on itunes to work!

Midi apps are more and more interchangeable, but lemur(no more updates)and metagrid are most of my concerns.

Especially metagrid is invaluable to me!

I use more than one DAW and more than one audio editor, so to memorize every shortcut, is hart on so many apps....!

And here comes metagrid in to play.


So feature wise, my wishes are:

HID Functionality:not just a keyboard that I can design, but real macros buttons like shift+z on one button.

Time dependent Macros:a series row of macros in a time interval.

Focus buttons:bringing apps in to focus with one button.


For Midi:

Using more than 2 virtual midi cable: I have already Loopbe30 purchased  a long time ago, would be nice if I could keep using them. Some of my instruments have more than 2700 knops and buttons, so u need more than 2 midi cables.

RPN and NRPN,sysx:for hardware instruments.

Supercontrols and subcontrols(from mididesigner):controlling several sliders, knobs, buttons(on the template) with one control.

Stepp resolution:adjusting the stepps that a knop or slider has in general.

I can keep going and going, but u get the picture ?.

I give u some links, so u can look in to those apps and what they do:







Supercontrols and subcontrols:



Pdf Manual: https://mididesigner.com/pdfs/midi_designer_reference_manual_version_1.0.pdf


I think it's better to copy from the best, then from the worst.

I know you want to do your own thing, but if you are a programmer, then you already use third party library's, or am I wrong!?

If you want more details on the subject, than I am happy to assist you, in any way!!!

Thank you for your time!






Pablo Martin
Noble Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1020

Thanks for contribute to the project.

Please login and place your request in the proper place of the forum.

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