I have an Idea that would give more flexibility to work with colours (and it is simple)
Inspired by my Yamaha GENOS Keyboard
A Button can have more than one Colour (as example)
This could be very easy to do with layered buttons....
the only thing to add would be a 'visible' attribute for it value 0=hide
.....so I could remote wich colour a button shows by calling the specific Layer
Let me explain:
Think I have a row of Red buttons (Hide on >> Value O makes it invissible)
second layer blue Buttons (hide on >> and all set by controller to ZERO) = invisible
Now by sending 0 for red and a value >0 for blue ......I have a blue button
.....so you can have a two colour Button with sending 1 Controller
.....but also it would be possible to Layer more than 2 colours by using the same structure with an other controller-Number
...also would this open the Door to do the Same with other objects Like Borders..
make Borders only visible in special situations .....when a specific area is active...and,and,and