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Mixxx software scroll mapping help.

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Hi everybody

i'm trying to implement a srolling wheel to explore the library in mixxx, after experiencing multiple tryes, it seems impossible to do that.

it seems that mixxx needs added parameters chameleon cannot give (see above).


Scroll the specified number of pages up or down. Intended to be mapped to an encoder knob.


Relative (positive values move down, negative values move up)


Currently selected item changes

If anyone has a solution thanks in advance


Pablo Martin
Noble Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
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Hi I split your post duet you open the topic in a incorrect place.  (dont worry about that)
I suggest for a faster answer ask on https://mixxx.discourse.group/
I think you will have a more faster answer about how map MIDI CC or MIDI note  to scroll of MIXXX

ASAP I have some free time I try to check MIXXX software.

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Hi thank you, i'll do that.
